Communiqué Protocols

The deadline for submitting newsletter articles for the Storm Front is the 15th of each second month.
This means the 15 of February, April, June, August, October and December.

Newsletter Submissions Guidelines

Please remember to submit your articles to both Communications and Operations

1. Please do not use a lot of formatting in your article. Place a blank line between paragraphs and don’t use tab indents. Don’t use fancy or colored text, but bold, italic, and underline are ok. Don’t use page breaks, headers, footers, or other word processor functions in your article.

2. Please do not put two spaces after a period. That little green squiggly line in Microsoft Office is telling you not to do that.

3. Please run a grammar and spell-check on your work. Also, read it out loud to someone else to check the flow.

4. Please send graphics files as .jpg when possible.

5. Please include captions with your photos.


If you’re submitting a reprint of other work, we need the reprint permissions. DO NOT just copy and paste stuff off a website and put it into your article without attributing that information to the site. And don’t assume that just using a web address link is OK. For a full piece that someone else has written, we need reprint permissions from the original author. Sometimes that information is included on their website, and sometimes it is not.

7. For the article by-line, I at least need your name, rank, chapter, region, and location. If you’d like to have a photo included, please send a head shot.

Looking forward to lots of good submissions!